VLCD Program

The Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) for Weight Loss

The VLCD is a medically-supervised weight loss program that involves extreme restriction of caloric intake. This will jump start your weight loss and help you achieve your long term and short term weight loss goals.

VLCD diets are broken down into two phases. The first phase lasts 6 – 12 weeks depending on your plan, and is considered the "active weight loss" phase. When your healthy goal weight is reached*, you will be transitioned into the "maintenance" phase, which will last from 6-9 months. Monthly visits with one of our nutrition staff members will help to ensure that you transition off the diet successfully and your weight loss results become long lasting.*

Our very low calorie diet plan has shown to be successful for our clients and reaching weight loss goals. When you come into our office for your visits with our staff, you can also check out our on-site store which gives you a fantastic selection of VLCD products to aid in your success. You can also visit our weight loss success stories to see our other clients praiseworthy results! 



  • 1
  • Medical Screening

  • • Thorough medical history
  • • Office visit with medical provider
  • • Review of blood work
  • • EKG
  • • Thorough overview of diet
  • • Purchase of protein supplements and vitamins
  • • You will receive your VLCD/LCD program and guidelines
  • 2
  • Ketosis
    6-12 Weeks

  • • Body enters metabolic state of ketosis
  • • Begin weight loss*
  • • Weekly one-on-one office visits with the nutritionist
  • • Weekly health/progress evaluations
  • • Weekly body composition analysis
  • • Biweekly blood work
  • • Optional testing to gauge how far you are into ketosis
  • 3
  • Transition

  • • Additional food is progressively added back into the diet

  • • Weight loss continues in smaller increments*

  • • Body exits metabolic state of ketosis

  • • Prescription appetite suppressant available upon request

  • 4
  • Maintenance
    6-9 Months

  • • Monthly evaluations

  • • Implement structured maintenance meal plan

  • • Introduce a wider variety of all food groups

  • • Design personalized long-term exercise regimen

  • • Monthly one-on-one visits with the nutritionist

  • • Begin enjoying your new healthier lifestyle*

Begin Your VLCD Today

Email us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your weight loss goals and create a plan customized for you with our nutritionist.