Program Overview

Weight Loss Program in CT

Medical Weight Loss Programs Diet Phases

Medical Weight Loss Solutions' diet programs are customized for you and divided into four
phases: an initial medical exam, 6-12 weeks of a diet, and a transition period into the final
maintenance phase in which you'll build habits to help keep the weight off.*

The First Session

You will meet with one of our medical doctors and nutritional specialists who will listen to your story to understand your goals, and then incorporate them into a realistic individualized weight loss program.

Your personal weight loss program will include a medical evaluation to identify any medical conditions that may contribute to your weight.

The First Session Includes:

  • Medical evaluation with our weight loss physician

  • Blood pressure check

  • EKG

  • Blood work review

  • Body Composition Analysis

  • Thorough step by step instruction of the medical weight loss diet plan

  • Choose products/supplements for the first week

What You Will Need To Begin
Your First Week

  • Purchase your first week’s worth of protein products

  • Purchase your first month’s worth of vitamin supplements

  • Prescription for appetite suppressant (if desired and medically appropriate)

No weight loss program can be successful without on-going support and education. Our medically supervised weight loss programs include weekly follow-up visits. These visits serve to address the changes in your body’s physiology, as well as any emotional behaviors that you encounter. Our medical diet programs, combined with weekly follow-up visits at our medical weight loss clinics, can contribute to long-term weight loss success.*

Our Weekly Follow Up Visits Include

Contact us today for your free consultation.

Get in touch today to schedule your free consultation.
