What is Diabetes & How Can You Prevent It

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What is Diabetes & How Can You Prevent It

July 03, 2018 at 8:13 AM

Diabetes is when your pancreas produces very little or no insulin, or the insulin produced does not work properly. When you have little or no insulin or it doesn’t work the way it should, after you eat, the sugar from the blood is prevented from entering your cells to be stored or used for energy. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), about 21 million Americans have diabetes. The three most common kinds of diabetes include:
  • Type 1 Diabetes

    Typically diagnosed in children and younger people, Type 1 diabetes occurs when insulin is not produced because the immune system kills the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Those with Type 1 diabetes must take insulin every single day in order to live. It is often called juvenile diabetes.
  • Type 2 Diabetes

    The most common type of the disease, Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body either doesn’t make insulin or it’s not properly used. Strongly linked to obesity, this type of diabetes can happen at any age, but most of the time older or middle aged adults are diagnosed with it.
  • Gestational Diabetes

    This type occurs during pregnancy when a woman’s body may become less sensitive to insulin. This usually disappears after the pregnancy ends.

What are the causes of Diabetes?

Medical researchers believe Type 1 diabetes is hereditary, caused by genes or family history. It may also occur from a virus or some other environmental factor. Type 2 diabetes is more closely associated with lifestyle behaviors such as not being physically active and/or being overweight. Hormonal changes that occur during a woman’s pregnancy, as well as genetic and lifestyle factors, are the cause of gestational diabetes. 

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

The general symptoms of diabetes included an increase in hunger and/or thirst, blurred vision, weight loss, extreme tiredness, frequent bathroom trips to urinate, and poorly healing sores. Men may experience erectile dysfunction and a decrease in their sex drive, while women may get itchy, dry skin and urinary tract or yeast infections.

Treatments for Diabetes and how to prevent the disease

For those diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, treatments include insulin being injected or taken by mouth. There are four kinds of insulin: rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate, and long term. Type 2 diabetes is treated with diet and exercise, and if that doesn’t work, various drugs that lower blood sugar are prescribed. If that doesn’t do the trick, insulin is then needed.

 Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes because it’s caused by a gene problem with the immune system. For Type 2 diabetes, it can be prevented with lifestyle changes such as eating more fruits and vegetables, cutting the amount of carbs along with trans and saturated fats, eating less, and regular physical exercise.

 In conclusion...

There are many serious medical problems that are linked to diabetes, including, but not limited to: heart problems, vision or hearing loss, neuropathy, foot damage, skin problems, depression, dementia, and nephropathy. Type 1 diabetes is not preventable but can be treated and Type 2 diabetes can be prevented with a better diet and exercise. If you think you might be at risk, it’s important to speak to a medical professional for guidance and advice.

If you are interested in learning more, or looking for a change in your lifestyle, please contact us today! Our expert staff would love to help create a plan that works with you and helps achieve your goals!


Category: General Health

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