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Weight Loss Myths to Know

November 10, 2016 at 10:21 AM

Salad Weight Loss Meal PlanThere are a lot of articles and information about different tips and tricks for losing weight. But which ones work and which ones don’t? We’ve taken a closer look at what to keep in mind when it comes to weight loss, and how best to approach your diet goals.

Eating Right is Important

While a moderate amount of exercise can be crucial to weight loss, what you eat is also important. There’s a lot of misinformation that states that exercising is more important than eating right, but the fact is that eating right is much more likely to help with weight loss than just exercise alone. This is largely because exercise impacts how hungry you are. If you’re not watching what you’re eating, you can very easily eat more food than normal and gain weight rather than losing it.

Rather than just relying on exercise, make sure to watch what you eat. Eating healthy food is the first step to helping you toward your diet and weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Management is Crucial

Just because you lost weight doesn’t mean that the work is over. Exercise can help correct a metabolism that’s been out of sorts for a while, but weight management after losing a lot of weight is extremely important. This is largely due to the fact that those who lose a lot of weight are more likely to gain that weight back without proper supervision.

Once a person has been obese or overweight, a metabolism doesn’t spring back to normal. Fortunately, though, knowing is half the battle. You can build more muscle to burn a few extra calories throughout the day, and also watch what you eat and how much you exercise.

Metabolisms Differ, But Exercise Helps

Exercise can, in fact, help a person’s metabolism. While it’s not as important as calorie restriction for losing weight, exercise can help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. This, in particular, highlights the importance of exercising during the maintenance phase, which is a more difficult phase to cope with than the exercise phase.

Calories Matter

There are healthier foods to eat, but at the end of the day a calorie is still a calorie. Always be conscious of how many calories you’re eating (or drinking), and make sure to keep track. Eating more calories of spinach than you normally would of chips on a daily basis may be healthier in other ways, but it won’t help you lose weight.

If you’re considering losing weight, then remember these tips for dieting. And considering giving us a call to ask about any one of our amazing weight loss programs.


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