With so many people seeking weight loss advice online, it’s no surprise that a lot of what you read is simply not true. While some of the advice is legitimate, a lot of it is either proven to be false or not proven at all. Since we are all about teaching healthy, effective, medical weight loss strategies to our clients, we wanted to take a moment to set the record straight about some of the biggest weight loss myths out there. It is only when you have the correct information about weight loss that you can experience the weight loss success you dream about.
A calorie is a measure of energy, so two snacks with 100 calories each will provide your body with the same amount of energy; however, this does not mean they will have the same impact on your weight loss. Every type of food you consume responds differently within your body, impacting your metabolism, hunger pangs, and hormones. For example, a grilled chicken breast with 250 calories is going to be a lot more satiating and beneficial for your body than a 250-calorie bag of potato chips. It is important to pay attention to the full nutrition profile of the foods you eat (including fats, carbs, fiber, protein, sugar, etc.) instead of simply counting calories.
Yes, you do have to make a choice to lose weight, and you have to take specific steps to reach your goals. But there is a lot more involved in the process besides simply making a choice. Your body is a complex machine. There are many factors at play, including genetics, your hormone levels, your body type, any medical conditions, and any external social support you may have. That being said, anyone is able to lose weight if they are armed with the correct tools. At Medical Weight Loss Solutions, we explore all of these factors (and more) before creating a personalized weight loss program for you.
While body fat and the fat within your food do have the same name, they are very different. It has been repeatedly shown that merely consuming fat does not cause fat to store on your body. While many unhealthy foods do have a high fat content, many healthy foods do, too. The quality of fat consumed can play a vital role in your weight loss success. Nuts, healthy oils, avocados, and other foods are important to incorporate into your diet to keep your body healthy, and they all have a high (healthy) fat content.
We are your ally in weight loss success. We have done the research and we have the facts, so we can put together a customized, effective CT medical weight loss plan that will get you results. To learn more about how our team of specialists and physicians can create a weight loss program for your specific body chemistry, contact us now.