Successful Weight Loss Starts with Finding Your "Why"

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Successful Weight Loss Starts with Finding Your "Why"

February 16, 2016 at 3:10 PM

Medical Weight Loss Training

When it comes to weight loss, there are two things you need to succeed: a “why” and a “how.” 

By focusing too much on the how of weight loss – fad diets, magic bullet super-foods, exercise regimens – it becomes easy to become discouraged and give up completely when you make mistakes or slip up. When the how becomes an end unto itself rather than just a means to an end, you’re setting yourself up for failure.problem is too many people get fixated on the how without ever thinking about why it is that they want to lose the weight.

Keeping your eye on the prize and focusing on why you’re trying to lose weight is the best way to stay motivated and achieve long-term weight loss success. Unfortunately, really figuring out why you want to lose weight can be more difficult than it sounds (“Because I’m overweight” doesn’t count).

If you’re having trouble figuring out your “why” of weight loss, take a look at some of these common reasons, find what seems familiar, and take your first real step toward losing weight in the long-term: really wanting to.

For Your Health

One of most common reasons for wanting to lose weight is for the health benefits. According to the National Institutes of Health, being overweight or obese is linked to an increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, reproductive problems, gallstones, and more. Just losing as little as five or ten pounds can significantly improve health outcomes. More substantial weight loss can produce health outcomes even more meaningful.

Even if you never lose an ounce, eating better and exercising regularly will result in improved health and benefits like a more healthy appearance and better functional strength and endurance.

For Your Family

Even if you don’t care about your own health, chances are your family does. Losing weight can mean the difference between being there for your family and not. It can also mean the difference between having the energy to play with kids or grandkids and not; it can mean the difference between being a healthy, confident role model and being someone who wishes they could set a better example.

For Your Self-Confidence

Almost nothing boosts your self-esteem like fitting into an old piece of clothing, or hitting meeting a fitness goal. You don’t have to be trying to please someone else to get a confidence boost from losing weight. Maybe it could be the ego upgrade you need to finally ask for that raise at work, ask that cute barista out on a date, or take charge in some other personal matter.

For the Financial Savings

Weight Loss Piggy Bank

While a lot gets said about how expensive it is to eat a fresh and healthful diet, this isn’t always the case. Healthful habits like bringing lunch from home is a lot cheaper than hitting up the fast food joint on the corner every day, and smaller portions at mealtime paired with fewer snacks throughout the day could mean big savings over time as well.

Of course, the big savings when it comes to losing weight come in the form of lower medical costs. One study by George Washington University found that the annual cost of being overweight or obese in America was between $432 and a whopping $4,879. More prescriptions, more doctor visits, more treatment for the diseases associated with excess weight: it all adds up.

If you’re in Connecticut and you think you’ve for your “why” for weight loss, Medical Weight Loss Solutions can help you out with the “how.” Medical Weight Loss Solutions offers nutritional counseling, body composition analyses, personal training, and more. Call (203) 269-8000 to set up a free consultation. 

Category: Weight Management Tips

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