Low Calorie and High Protein Diets Work

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Low Calorie and High Protein Diets Work

August 21, 2017 at 11:29 AM

Most people find dieting difficult. Limiting entire food groups is hard. But eating healthy doesn’t have to be. Healthy weight loss goals can be achieved with the right mix of low calorie, high protein meals eaten at the right frequencies.

Our Low-Calorie Diet programs are focused on bringing awareness to the kinds of foods you should be eating to stay full, and that support your efforts to finally lose fat. We combine this with one on one support from professionals. For many, this is the missing link in weight loss efforts —a professional who can offer guidance and accountability along the way.

Our program is broken down into two plan options: LCD (Low Calorie Diet) and VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet). Depending on the results of your initial evaluation and your weight loss goals, the proper plan is selected.

Why is a Low Calorie, High Protein Diet so Effective?

The truth behind counting calories is that by taking in fewer calories than you're consuming, your body will eventually look for stored fat to burn for energy. In time, this results in fat loss. With our LCD programs, we focus on that low-calorie factor to ensure you’ll start to see numbers declining on the scale, and more importantly, changes to your physical body. 

Protein, a building block for muscles, is also an essential element for effective weight loss. Muscles are known to burn fat quicker - even when not in use - and help keep your body toned and lean in appearance. Our LCD programs factor in protein intake to ensure you're getting enough to support your muscles as you work on your weight loss goals.

If you’re looking for healthy, rapid weight loss, the low calorie, high protein diet programs offered at Medical Weight Loss Solutions in CT, can help you to finally get those results.

How Do the VLCD and LCD Medical Weight Loss Programs Work?

With VLCD you get a medically-supervised diet that includes significant restriction of caloric intake. Over the course of 6-12 weeks you’ll actively be losing weight as your body enters ketosis and burns fat so you can reach your goal. During the maintenance phase of the program, our nutrition staff members will meet with you monthly to go over your meal plans and food introductions as you create a new healthy lifestyle ensuring you maintain your weight loss. The goal is to find a lifestyle regimen that works for you, and that keeps healthy eating at the forefront.

The LCD is great for the person who is planning to lose weight prior to a vacation, holiday, wedding, or any important event. This is generally someone looking to lose 15 pounds or less. The LCD program offers individualized attention and support along with proper nutrition to lose weight and maintain your weight loss. Many clients find the weekly visit is essential to keeping their weight loss journey on track!

If you’re ready for that transformation and want to start losing weight and feeling healthier on the medical weight loss diet, Contact us today to get started!

Category: Weight Loss Tips

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