Chances are you have heard about a low carb diet and a keto diet; however, if you are like a huge percentage of the population, you probably think they are one in the same. But this could not be further from the truth. There are very dramatic differences between what you eat on these two diets and how they react within your body. One option (keto) will improve your overall wellbeing and aid in weight loss success, while the other (low carbs) can leave you with terrible side effects.
Here is a closer look at what exactly these two diets are and why you want to make sure you are following the specific guidelines for the ketogenic diet instead of just eating low carbs.
First, let’s break down what these two diets actually mean for your diet and your body.
In short, following a low-carb diet is basically just making certain food choices and hoping for the best. As such, many low carb dieters are never able to reach ketosis because they are either consuming too many carbs, too much protein, or not enough calories. On the other hand, following a ketogenic diet is literally transforming the metabolic state of your body, allowing you to use fat as a reliable, sustainable fuel source.
When you follow the specific guidelines of a ketogenic diet instead simply going “low carb” you can achieve many health benefits:
On the contrary, when you are only focusing on consuming low carbs, you are not in a state of ketosis. Your body is relying on carbs for fuel, yet you are not giving it this fuel, so it will not be very happy. This can leave you feeling all kinds of less-than-ideal side effects, including: low energy levels, mood swings, hormonal disruptions, constant hunger pangs, and even weight gain.
At Medical Weight Loss Solutions, we are firm believers in the keto diet; yet, we also know that it is a very scientific approach to weight loss and it must be closely monitored. We are dedicated to helping you reach your weight loss goals in a safe, effective way that will have you feeling better than you have in years. To learn more, contact us now.