Holiday Weight Loss: Lose Weight Before You Gain More

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Holiday Weight Loss: Lose Weight Before You Gain More

December 05, 2016 at 1:26 PM

Holiday Weight Loss ProgramWhen it comes to the holidays, you probably know about the temptation to eat high-fat foods. Eggnog, cookies, cream-based soups, and more can combine to turn your diet plan into an absolute disaster. In fact, researchers have found that people gain about a pound from November to January, and this extra pound lingers. Your body begins to work to keep the extra weight on which makes losing the weight more difficult.  In fact, it’s estimated that if you gain weight this holiday season, you won’t lose it until April 2017.

With that said, there are ways to make sure that you don’t gain weight this holiday season.

Make Plans to Exercise

One of the most important things you can do before the holidays, during, and after, is make sure to exercise. While it may be cold, don’t fall into the trap of staying home and not going to the gym. Instead, make a conscious effort to stick to your regular workout routine. You can also add in outdoor exercise by going sledding, skiing, or ice skating. By keeping to this routine before the holidays strike, you may be more likely to keep it up during the holidays, as well.

Prepare Before the Holidays

A good tactic for the holidays is to lose weight beforehand. Losing weight will help you be more likely to be in a healthier mindset before attending holiday meals. Eat right, exercise regularly, and always be wary of what’s on the table during the holidays.

Eat Until You’re Full, Not to Excess

During the holidays, make sure to only eat until you’re full and not more than that. Slow down your eating and assess how your body feels. If you feel full, then make sure to stop eating and take your plate away. Sitting in front of a partially-filled plate will mean you’re more likely to “pick at” the food and consume more calories, even if you’re already full.

If you’re looking for a way to stay on your diet this holiday season, give Medical Weight Loss Solutions a call. There’s a full range of fitness and diet plans that are custom created to your needs.


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