Ways To Avoid Food Cravings While Trying To Lose Weight

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Ways To Avoid Food Cravings While Trying To Lose Weight

November 06, 2017 at 2:43 PM

When it comes to food cravings, even people with the strongest willpower may find themselves tempted to give in. Food cravings can become so intense that all attempts at weight loss are sabotaged. Until you learn to defeat food cravings, they can continue to keep you from your weight loss goals.

Luckily, there are tactics you can use to defeat food cravings. Experts say that most cravings last just 15 minutes, so if you can resist the temptation for just that long, you may be able to get through it without binging on junk food. As time goes on, your food cravings will become less strong and become easier to ignore.

1. Pick Up a Hobby

If you struggle with food cravings, you might find some relief by picking up a new hobby or starting in again with an old hobby. It doesn’t really matter what the hobby is, as long as it engages your senses and distracts you from your food craving. Even the act of shopping for supplies for your hobby can be enough to send the cravings out of your mind. The key with this tactic is to keep the hobby at hand so you can engage in it at the last minute.

2. Stop Everything and Go Home

Like many people, you may get food cravings when you shop for groceries. Grocery stores are set up to entice you to buy a lot of foods that may not be healthy for you, so don’t feel bad that you’re tempted. When you see yourself throwing things in your cart that you know you shouldn’t, the best thing you can do is stop everything and go home. Ask a family member to do the grocery shopping in the future until you’re stronger, or look into buying a grocery shopping and delivery service.

3. Rent Movies Instead of Watching TV

Television commercials are terrible for people who are trying to lose weight. Who can resist all those colorful, close-up images of rich and inexpensive food? For the time being, defeat food cravings brought on by TV commercials by renting movies rather than watching live TV. You won’t be subjected to ads and will be less likely to unconsciously snack on junk food while you watch the movie. Try streaming movies from Netflix or Amazon instead of Redbox, since those machines are often located in grocery stores where snacks abound.

4. Brush Your Teeth and Go Outside

It sounds crazy to think that something as simple — and free — as brushing your teeth and getting fresh air can help solve the common problem of food cravings. But many studies suggest that the taste and scent of peppermint help to invigorate the senses and alleviate food cravings. Fresh air is another combatant that can help you get through those critical first 15 minutes of a food craving. After a brisk walk, you won’t want to weight yourself down with junk food.

Every time you successfully avoid giving in to a food craving, they will get weaker and weaker. Eventually, the only foods you’ll desire are the ones that support your health goals. When you’re ready to get serious about your weight concerns and take the first steps to a healthier, happier you call Medical Weight Loss Solutions in Connecticut for a free consultation.


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