Set Daily Goals for Long Term Weight Loss Success

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Set Daily Goals for Long Term Weight Loss Success

August 08, 2017 at 8:05 AM

It’s important to set daily goals when it comes to weight loss. Dramatic weight loss can take a long time, and without daily goals, it’s easy to lose faith that you’ll ever be able to shed the pounds. In fact, having daily weight loss goals can mean the difference between whether you fail or whether you succeed. Well-thought out, realistic weight loss goals can help keep you motivated and on track for the duration of your weight loss journey.

Dangers of Setting Unrealistic Weight Loss Goals

There are many dangers in setting unrealistic weight loss goals. One is that it may cause you to practice unhealthy activities in order to meet that unrealistic goal. In losing weight, you’re trying to get healthier. So, for instance, starting a smoking habit to keep from getting hungry and overeating isn’t a smart idea.

Second, unrealistic goals can bring unneeded frustration and depression. If you plan to lose 1 pound a day for 30 days, that’s unrealistic. When the scale doesn’t move that far, you may give up and overeat to feel better. Choose more obtainable goals to set yourself up for success! Doing so can help you feel accomplished and help motivate you for the rest of the day.

Healthy and Practical Daily Goals

There are lots of great daily goals that will serve to keep you motivated and focused on your weight loss journey. Here are a few ideas to inspire you to set healthy, practical and realistic goals.

  • Walk 10,000 steps over a 24-hour period (you can buy a step monitor to keep track for you)
  • Do a minimum of 10 minutes of exercise every day
  • Drink 4 glasses of water a day, minimum
  • Cut salt intake in half
  • Take the stairs to your office instead of the elevator
  • Walk around the block after lunch each day
  • Leave the TV off for two nights each week. Use the time to enjoy a craft or go for an evening stroll.
  • Do one household chore every night after work
  • Empty your pantry of one unhealthy food every day
  • Make a weight loss chart and add entries to it daily

Daily weight loss goals, or weekly weight loss goals help you stay positive, in control and motivated to keep going. Of course the staff here at Medical Weight Loss Solutions in CT is always here to help, too. Please contact us for more ideas about how to set realistic daily goals, or to start a weight loss program in Connecticut.


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