The Buddy System for Weight Loss

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The Buddy System for Weight Loss

May 10, 2018 at 11:58 AM

Losing weight can be such a long journey that it's tempting to give up before reaching your goal. If you have a close friend you can lean on, it can be easier to stay on the healthy path. It should be someone you're comfortable with, someone you can count on to be there when you need them most, and someone you can share your achievements with. Here are some specific ways you can use your buddy on your weight-loss quest.

  • Call when cravings are at their worst: When you’re having an insatiable urge to hop in your car and head to the nearest bakery, speed dial your friend so they can talk you into eating fruit instead.
  • Swap for inspiration: Boredom can drive you to hop off the healthy wagon, so spice things up by swapping healthy recipes, strength training tips, fitness DVDs, workout ideas, health magazines, and running playlists courtesy of your fellow fit-minded pal.
  • Set up weekly exercise dates: Working out goes by much faster when you're chitchatting the whole time, and when you have set assigned workouts in your schedule, you'll see quicker results on the scale. You're also less likely to skip a workout if you know your friend is meeting you at the track at 7 a.m.
  • Create fit goals together: Whether you both want to lose five pounds this month or are training for a 5K race, having someone to share your goals with will help you both achieve them. And once you do, you can go out and celebrate as a pair. 
  • Email your food journal every night: It keeps you both accountable when another pair of eyes is reading the list of food eaten that day.



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