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3 Bad Excuses You Make Not to Lose Weight (and How to Get Past Them)

If you're like a lot of people, your desire to lose weight is hampered by one excuse after another. Get past them with this helpful post from MWLS.

The 4 Most Common Weight Loss Myths People Still Believe

Think you're up on all there is to know about weight loss? Are you sure? Check out our list of common weight loss myths to brush up and learn the truth!

Why an Optimistic Attitude Might Be Your Best Weight Loss Tool

Your glass is half full or half empty - what you decide on may have a huge impact on your efforts to lose weight. Learn more with Medical Weight Loss Solutions.

6 Tips to Help Keep Your New Year's Fitness Resolutions

A new year is the perfect opportunity for a new you. Read helpful tips on making sure your New Year's fitness resolutions stick with Medical Weight Loss Solutions.