Best Fall Superfoods For Weight Loss

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Best Fall Superfoods For Weight Loss

October 21, 2016 at 1:13 PM

Eating right is importaBest Fall Super Foods for weight lossnt for weight loss. And with autumn in full swing, comfort foods may seem tempting. However, there are some great fall superfoods that you can eat that not only taste good, but also may help you toward your weight loss goals.

1. Apples. Apples have just begun to come into season, and are a great food for not only health, but also weight loss. Sweet and crisp, an apple’s balance of natural sugar and fiber gives it a low score of the glycemic index. Foods with lower glycemic index levels mean that they’re less likely to spike blood sugar levels. This means that you can still satisfy your sugar craving while munching on a fresh apple. Remember to eat apples raw rather than baked in a pie or prepared with a lot of butter and fat.

2. Brussel Sprouts. Brussel sprouts are surprisingly delicious when roasted in an oven with seasonings. Not only is this green vegetable full of vitamin C, but it also just contains 38 calories per cup when raw. Not only will it help you feel full, but it will also help provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

3. Grapefruit. One serving of grapefruit has only 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber, which means that this healthy fruit isn’t going to add too much in the way of calories. Combine that with the fact that research has shown that eating half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters, and you may have a fruit that helps you lose more weight. Of course, it’s important to remember to stick to diet goals even while adding grapefruit.

4. Pears. You might be surprised that pears fall into a category of a superfood. This fruit, though, is high in dietary fiber. Studies on animals have suggested that pears may also be able to regulate alcohol metabolism and protect against ulcers. Combine that with the fact that a single pear is only about 102 calories, and it makes for a delicious snack to satiate your hunger.

5. Sweet Potatoes. It’s sweet, it’s delicious, and it’s chock full of beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes are the perfect food to get a ton of vitamins and minerals. If you bake a potato, it’s about 180 calories per cup without toppings. Keep an eye on how you prepare sweet potatoes, as well. Many recipes call for butter, extra sugar and other toppings that will outweigh the benefits of the sweet potatoes.


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