6 Tips for Healthy Eating When You’re Going Out

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6 Tips for Healthy Eating When You’re Going Out

February 15, 2017 at 9:25 AM

Eating healthy for your weight loss diet when eating out

You’ve been working with a nutritionist, and now, have a very strict diet plan in place, perhaps for losing weight, improving your overall health, or managing diabetes. Yet, for those times your friends and family get to go out, you’re left in a quandary: Do you accompany them and not eat, or do you just pass on the occasion?

The answer is neither. If you plan strategically, both ahead of time and at the restaurant, you can enjoy the occasion and get a nutritious, delicious meal out of it:

1. Balance Your Meals During the Day

When are you going out? If it’s dinner, keep breakfast the same, opt for a light lunch, and eat most of your calories at the end of the day. If you’re going out to lunch, plan for a lighter meal when you’d ordinarily cook dinner at home.

2. Do Research

Nearly all chains have their menus online, with calorie-counter websites providing exact ingredients, calories, fat grams, and cholesterol. To stay within your plan, go with lower-calorie options high in lean proteins, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

3. Make Requests When Ordering

Many restaurants, chain or not, can accommodate dietary restrictions and can customize your order within their means. As such, consider asking for:

  • Nutrition Tips For Healthy Eating When Going OutDressing or a sauce on the side
  • The vegetable side, if a side comes with your entrée.
  • What “lite,” “low-fat,” and “low-carb” really mean. In many cases, “lite” and “low-fat” items are high in sugar, while “low-carb” encompasses foods fried in oil for flavor and texture. Make sure to inquire about ingredients and preparation.
  • No bread basket or chips, as these can add extra calories
  • Grilled protein, if the menu says it’s fried
  • A side salad or vegetables, instead of French fries, as a substitution
  • A larger side salad and smaller portion of meat

4. Know What to Stay Away From

As a solid plan, if a restaurant offers a low-calorie section, order from it. If not, be sure to steer clear of:

  • Anything fried or cooked in oil.
  • Foods made with sugary sauces.
  • The drink menu, which is often filled with sugary sodas and high-calorie mixed alcoholic beverages.
  • Desserts

5. Control Your Portions

By now, you have a solid idea about what constitutes a single serving: Pasta no bigger than a tennis ball and protein just the size of a stack of cards, for instance. So, use these measurements to portion out your food at the restaurants, and eat only what fits. Anything left over can be eaten over the next couple of days.

6. Eat Slowly

Did you know that it takes roughly 20 minutes after you’re done eating for your brain to tell your stomach you’re full? Those who eat fast tend to over-eat, so it’s advised that you take your time on your meal, talking or even drinking water as you do.

If you’re still at the early stages of dieting and need a stronger plan, why not start a customized and monitored approach through Medical Weight Loss Solutions? For a free initial consultation, call us today.

Category: Weight Management Tips

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