3 Bad Excuses You Make Not to Lose Weight (and How to Get Past Them)

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3 Bad Excuses You Make Not to Lose Weight (and How to Get Past Them)

September 09, 2016 at 5:04 PM

No Excuses For Weight Loss

Note: The information on this page is intended for informational use only. Do not use this post, or any other information on this site, to diagnose or treat any medical condition, or in lieu of professional medical advice from a certified personal physician. Always check with your doctor before undergoing any treatment or beginning any weight loss regimen

If you’re like a lot of people, you have a sincere desire to lose weight that’s constantly butting heads with its greatest enemy: excuses.

Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, there are an endless number of reasons why you don’t start right now and take the first step toward a healthy, leaner lifestyle. But while there are about as many excuses in the world as there are people making them, there are some fairly common ones that tend to pop up more frequently than others.

If you’re having trouble taking that first step toward weight loss, take a look at some of these common excuses and see if they sound familiar. Then, start making strategies to get past them.

Excuse #1: I’m Not Ready

This is an extremely common excuse people use to avoid the hard work that comes with weight loss. What this really means is, “I don’t want to,” or, “I’m afraid I’ll fail.” When it comes to doing something truly difficult, ready almost never comes into the equation; willing is a far more important adjective. Besides, in the long-term, the consequences of being overweight or obese, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, will typically come whether you’re ready or not.

There will probably never be a sudden jolt of readiness that strikes and makes weight loss a breeze. Most people just have to make the decision to start.  

Excuse #2: There’s Not Enough Time

If there’s one thing many people these days have too little of, it’s time. Between work, family, errands, and chores, and all the other demands of modern life, finding time to exercise and cook healthy meals can seem impossible. The good news is it’s not impossible; the bad news is you have to take the initiative to making the time yourself. This might mean shifting priorities or asking friends or family for help.

Even just finding 5 or 10 minutes at a time throughout your day to get in some brisk walking or calisthenics can do wonders for your health and waistline. When it comes to eating healthy, the Web is full of quick, healthy recipes and supermarket aisles are full of options for healthy meals and snacking that don’t take an entire afternoon or evening to prepare. If you need help finding diet or exercise programs that will fit into your schedule, a professional trainer or dietician could help.*

Excuse #3: I’ve Failed Before

Losing weight is hard, and we don’t always succeed the first time we try. Unfortunately, this leads many people to give up altogether.

If you’ve tried and failed to lose weight in the past, use that as an experience to learn from rather than an excuse to stay the same. If one diet didn’t work, that’s one fewer to try. If another exercise routine left you disappointed, there are plenty of others to choose from.

Something else to keep in mind is that prior disappointing efforts to lose might have had as much to do with a skewed definition of success as some failure on your part. Whether or not you hit a goal weight that may or may not have been realistic in the first place, any diet and exercise plan is worth it if it makes you a healthier and happier person – and it always will.

Get Help from Medical Weight Loss Solutions in Connecticut*

If you’re in Connecticut and need help losing weight, the team at Medical Weight Loss Solutions in Wallingford and Branford offers custom weight loss programs, nutritional consulting, and personal training supervised by doctors and other trained professionals.* Get in touch to learn more and make an appointment.


Tags: Weight Loss Goals
Category: Weight Loss Tips

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